welcome my most recent layout!!! :33 i hope u like it! ive been working rlly hard!! :3 please put a message on the chatbox before you leave, and sign my guestbook too!! if you have any questions pls ask on mai about page!! theres an ask box!! ^_^
Welcome to my website!

haii welcome to my website!!! this is mah safe place to do anything i want, even if my intrests are considered "cringe" LIKE I DON TCARE IM DOING WHHAT I WANT!!!! and talk about anything i want!! im not proffesional at coding, but i hope my website can bring a smile to your face :3 please navigate using the sidebar on the left!! 99% of my website is coded by hand!!

thank u for visiting mai site!! its still in early stages of development and im always updating it!! some pages will lead to an error message, sowwy abt that T_T

Webmaster stats!

i am feeling: The current mood of domino_baconking at www.imood.com

You are viewer number:

Update Log!

December 1, 2023: new layout is finnaly here!

i do not consent of my code being copied, or stolen. if you want to look for graphics, check the links or graphics page!! >_< thanks! and if you want to know how i did something then please ask, i will not bite!! :3


heres mai button!! feel free to put it on your website!! please do not hotlink it!!