dis ish patches, a stiched up zombie dog, specificly a golden retriever dog, and he luvs to parteh!!!! hes pretty braindead n impulsive, n unstable due to him being 2 other dogs who were stiched together XC whenwver he getz too mad or overwhelmed his stiched areas start 2 bleed and he gets rlly dizzy cuz of it XCCC hes rlly talkative, n hes rlly not good at decision making cuz hes a ZOMBIE!! his best frien ever ish tokyo, even tho they dunt rlly understand eachother dat well... he still lieks to hang out wif him anyway!! unlike tokyo, hes kind, n dosent care abt how others view him. hes extremley loud too!!! hes hyperactive n silleh liek most of mai ocs already XD hes alsou friens wif tammi and mimi. sometimes he just says randum stuff without context at all n maeks evreyone around him confused XD mai other ocs dont hate him at all, theyre mostly just always confused bai his random actions XD teh only person who hates him legitamitley ish shadow, calling him a "abomination that shouldnt exist" .

Acting liek a little goofball :3
His best frien Tokyo!!!
Running around in circles :>
Having fun!!
Ppl telling him wut to do
weird textures
Shadow >:(