this is mint, he is a male pallas cat who is friends with tofu. he likes the winter alot, and he usally hides his emotions and is super duper shy. he always needs encouragment from tofu to be brave. he is also very emotional and very sensitive, and he cries alot. he normally hugs his own tail to calm himself down. he gets stressed out in crowds aswell. hes the type of person to even be afriad of their own shadow XD mint is easily startled and always nervous cuz he has axiety. mint's voice is very queit and whispery, most of the time u cant even hear what hes trying to say since hes a nervous wreck. he is more comfortable around tofu, and also he is a chubby guy :3 he likes eating icecream cuz its his favorite food ever :>


icecream, tofu, being alone, cold weather, snow, hot chocolate,rainy weather, trees, nature, plushies, ECT ECT

loudness, crowds, feeling lonley, hot weather, mice, bugs, mud, smoke, vegtables, yelling, argumative people, mean people, crying, ectttttt