dis ish mimi, shes a cat....i think. mimi's only purpose ish to be a mascot, and dats it XD she represents mai online presence. shes caring and sweet, overly quirky n annoying but alsou hyperactive just liek tammi and patches X3 shes alsou pretty confident in herself n she enjoys being in teh spotlight/ main focus :> in dis universe, she ish teh mascot of a channel on TV alongside kitcat :3 witch has driven shadow insane before :P LMAO! even tho skittles and mimi r always drawn together, dey actually dont know eachother at all and dey arent friends :P even tho theyre alsou friends on myspace, they dont talk 2 eachother much. mimi ish prettymuch a celebrity, sou she aint got no time 2 hang out wif anyone :/ mimi can alsou get rlly sassy sometaims XD shes EXTREMLEY sensitive, if u say anything mean 2 her shell probs just lay down, stare at teh ceiling in a sad sort of way . kitcat ish her closest friend, but she dosent rlly liek sociail interaction at alll. as shed just rather be lazy.

FUn FACtttssss :
mimi wus first created on scratch n she wusnt meant to b a mascot at all, yet she became one anyway XDD her birthday ish december 1st , and she wus created in 2019, when i wus 12 years old!!!
she sometimes, gets cross eyes n NOBODY KNOES WHYY!!!
Her fave foods are lemons :3 she lieks anything lemon flavored :3
she originally did not hav a bell or pink cheeks, those r now part of her design :)

Anything sweet!!
Flowerrrss :3
Being in teh spotlight + being teh center of attention
Shadow -_-
Feeling lonley