glitter is a sneaky prankster, she likes to prank random people and be super annoying to them!! she likes to bully others in a playful way, she dosent actually mean anything she says!! XD she is always sassy and carefree, and she likes to bite random people XD!!! she constamtly interrupts people and is very cheeky and snarky! she also constamtly picks fights with people cuz she likes it, and also she really likes shadow but hes obviously annoyed with her, but she dosent actually realize it so she keeps trying to get with him but shadows like: "NUH UH GET AWAY FROM ME"

likes include: dinosoars, pikachus, candys, being an annoying prick LMAO, and shadow
dislikes: her sister, they fight alot XDD
shes one of my oldest ocs!!! she was created in somewhere in 2017. shes a crackhead and loves dinosoars. she has a dinosuar hoodie and its her favorite hoodie ever!!! she also likes pikachu sooooooooooo much for some unknown reasns LOL she also cannot fly, her wings dont work. she is kitcat's sister.