this is cranberry, a pink wolf/fox!! shes best friends with shadow, and yes, shes aware of shadow's evil form, but she always wants to help him become a better and much more calm person. cranberry wants to be helpful to people, and as supportive as she can. shes a very sensitive one, she easily gets her feelings hurt. shes also very cheeky!! she loves to joke around even in serious situations. she has somewhat of a crush on shadow, but shadow dosent really feel the same towards her, she feels a little upset about that fact, but shes still glad that shadow sees her as a close friend, and that hes calm with her and evreything.
she likes scene culture quite alot, and she gets along with skittles cuz of this shared intrest!!! and also shes nerdy as hell XD she likes to info dump alot XDDD she can be really naive sometimes. shes a social butterfly for the most part, and she has a great sense of empathy for others. she dosent really like to expredd any negative feelings or doubts to anyone, because shes scared of hurting peoples feelings. she usally dosent like talking about negative subjects whatsoever, shes an optimistic one! cranberry is crazy and loud and she pretty much screams alot. she loves loud music, and hates the silence.
despite being friends with skittles, she dosent really get along that well with his brother, vincent. cranberry herself also has a sibling, midnight. though their oposite personalities make it hard for them to get along most of the time. they dont interact with eachother all that much anyways. midnight dosent even like it when cranberry goes anywhere near her daughter, because midnight is overprotective and stuff XD cranberry loves her sister, even though her sister dosent really like her all that much.....they have a sibling rivalry XDD
cranberry female