nyan XP ageless
digital kitty!
this is nyan XP, a digital cat who lives in a computer..he can not interact with the real world whatso ever, but he can travel into other devices through cords.if he was to go into another computer than his design would just change depending on the operating system. hes basicly like a virus but isnt harmful. he can mess with computers as much as he wants by the way. he prefers staying inside of windows Xp, since its his home and it was basicly the place he was born in. he was originally meant to be a tiger, but he looks more kitty like. (he is actually a maine coon ) he has no friends and is pretty lonley. hes mature yet andventurous :P he also likes to go by the name "meowcorsoft" also hes so fricking silly SILLY BILLY
blowing bubbles, drawing in MSpaint, watching movies, fixing computers, tech, bubblegum, sleep, arts and crafts, searching google, discovering new websites, video games,fresh air, mints, being helpful,
viruses, mice, bugs, dust, errors, slow internet, low battery, when the computer overheats,