beezle male
bee/cat hybrid

beezle is litterally the head of goverment he is also about 7 feet tall, taller than all of the other characters! he just casually rules the planet and litterally nobody cares XD hes extremley confident and extroverted, he thinks super highly of himself even if he actually sucks. hes actually a little bit lazy even though hes basicly the king of the planet SO GET UP.
he just likes to chill around and to nothing all day he also likes telling bee puns to random people just because he thinks its funny also he can multitask because of his 4 arms. he also like jazzing to music alllll the time and being goofy and sillly :> hes also kinda agressive and mean sometimes, but he never actually means to come off that way. hes genuinley nice :3 hes also mature and good at desition making cuz hes da KING OF ALL his favorite movie is the bee movie because guess why? :3
hes inspired by a helluva boss character (bezzlebub)
me and my brother came up with the idea of beezle together!
he hates being called "beeze weeze"

waffles and pancakes and asida
his bed